Kyle’s Journey in Armenia

Just Another Peace Corps Blog

  • Kyle? In Armenia?

    My name is Kyle, and I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Noyemberyan, Armenia. I lived here from 2006-2008, and worked as an Information Technology volunteer for the US Peace Corps. In addition to my primary assignment developing my region's WiFi internet, I also taught computer and English classes to area youth. Thank you for visiting!

    This blog remains available for historical purposes, but is no longer actively maintained.

  • Archives:

Jun 2007
A Secret Revealed
Posted in Peace Corps by Kyle at 5:56 pm | 2 Comments »

After a year of soul searching, experimenting with different teaching techniques, studying the Armenian language for hours upon hours and becoming one with nature, I’ve finally stumbled across the answer to the Great Peace Corps Question: what could forever bridge the Armenian and American people, and ultimately the world, in peace and harmony?

The answer came in a box I received from my sister today (thanks!). My host mom tore through the box, looking for something of interest, when it finally appeared before her. No, it wasn’t the movies, or the mac and cheese, or the peanut butter. It was bubble wrap.

I’ve never seen a 50 year old woman become more excited from anything in her life. She took not one, but all three sheets of bubble wrap and immediately popped every single bubble in a span of 3 minutes and 22 seconds. I was impressed. And that’s when I realized there’s not a single person in the world who can resist popping those little air pockets if they’re sitting in front of them. The look in their eyes is a combination of religious epiphany, their wedding night relived and the best steak dinner they’ve had, rolled into one. Maybe instead of grenades, we should throw bubble wrap. Just a thought, but I think the picture says it all:

Bubblewrap 001

Moral of the story: send me more care packages.

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2 Responses:

Kathy said:

Great pictures Kyle. Bubble wrap is kind of like chocolate…you just can’t get enough of it once you get started. I love to stomp on it and pop as many at one time as I can.
Glad to hear the handicapped ramps are coming along. Congrats on getting another volunteer in your village. Always nice to have American companionship.

Mrs. Z

Monica said:

Kyle … this is awesome! Your writing is terrific. I hope you consider writing a book of your experiences. Your progress updates and pictures are awesome, too. Thanks!

-monka (kathy murdock’s sister)

The views expressed herein are the views of the author and do not express those of Peace Corps Armenia or the United States government.