Kyle’s Journey in Armenia

Just Another Peace Corps Blog

  • Kyle? In Armenia?

    My name is Kyle, and I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Noyemberyan, Armenia. I lived here from 2006-2008, and worked as an Information Technology volunteer for the US Peace Corps. In addition to my primary assignment developing my region's WiFi internet, I also taught computer and English classes to area youth. Thank you for visiting!

    This blog remains available for historical purposes, but is no longer actively maintained.

  • Archives:

Archive for July, 2008

The Opulence of St. Petersburg

Sunday, July 27th, 2008
Peace Corps | 1 Comment »

Our last two days in St. Petersburg were quite exciting, as we had the opportunity to visit some of the most remarkable landmarks. Thursday we visited the world-famous Hermitage Museum, which is the largest museum in the world and had some impressive collections. They had a rather impressive collection of Piccaso, Rembrandt and other European […]

Goodbye Armenia, Hello St. Petersburg!

Thursday, July 24th, 2008
Peace Corps | 1 Comment »

Beyond all expectations, we had a perfectly normal final flight out of Yerevan. Despite waking up at 4:30 AM, paying our last 10,000 dram exit tax, and other possible setbacks, we made it on time out of Yerevan and landed early in the international terminal of Moscow’s airport. Phew, we thought, we made it. We […]

Kyle the RPCV

Sunday, July 20th, 2008
Peace Corps | 1 Comment »

So, it’s official. I’m a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer! After 25 months and 21 days, I’m ready to leave Armenia tomorrow morning to start the next phase of my life. I can’t believe the day is finally here! I’ve spent my last few weeks in Armenia saying my last goodbyes, selling my wares (computer, cell […]

Last Week in Noyemberyan

Friday, July 11th, 2008
Peace Corps | 1 Comment »

That’s right – it’s that time to say goodbye. After almost two years of pigs in the streets, no running water, and some of the fondest memories of my life, last week marked my final days in Noyemberyan. I returned home last Monday after a long time away at the Green Camp. I also had […]

The views expressed herein are the views of the author and do not express those of Peace Corps Armenia or the United States government.