We have successfully made it to Vienna! And they have free internet, so that’s even better. It’s been a great couple of days since I’ve written last – we all went out on Saturday night, including a visit to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaraunt, and more Saki bombs than anyone knew what to do with. It was a great time though.
Sunday myself and two other volunteers went to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where our Declaration of Independence and Consitution were signed. It was a very cool experience, and it was nice to be able to appreciate America’s history and culture before heading to Armenia – reminds you of your roots, ya know? After that, we had a long bus ride (3.5 hours) to JFK, and a longer flight (8.5 hours) to Vienna.
We had a 10 hour layover, so we decided to head into Vienna and check it out – it’s quite an amazing city. New pictures have been posted – check those out. Some of my favorites include the wienerschnitzel (mmm), the amazing churches, and of course all my new friends. Plus, Austrian beer is amazing! We also met a Uzbekistani family in the airport who just had a gold medal winning daughter in swimming, so that was kind of neat. They pointed out how small Armenia really was 😉
We are flying out in about an hour or so, and then the journey begins with an “initiation” taking place at sunrise. It should be really nice. After that we have four days in a dorm together, and then we move in with our first host families for the next seven weeks. I’m sure it will be an amazing time.
On a side note: Thank you to everyone who has sent emails, notes on my wall and especially Facebook messages. I miss everyone a lot, and I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Take care, and I will write soon!
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