Kyle’s Journey in Armenia

Just Another Peace Corps Blog

  • Kyle? In Armenia?

    My name is Kyle, and I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Noyemberyan, Armenia. I lived here from 2006-2008, and worked as an Information Technology volunteer for the US Peace Corps. In addition to my primary assignment developing my region's WiFi internet, I also taught computer and English classes to area youth. Thank you for visiting!

    This blog remains available for historical purposes, but is no longer actively maintained.

  • Archives:

Archive for July, 2008

Green Camp Through Photos

Friday, July 4th, 2008
Peace Corps | No Comments »

Last week I had the pleasure of attending one of Peace Corps’ premier summer programs, the “Green Camp”. Green Camp is a 5 day camp for students aged 9-13, and teaches them all about ecology themes, including pollution, water quality, trash, etc. Instead of posting lengthy explanations about all we did, I figured I’d let […]

The views expressed herein are the views of the author and do not express those of Peace Corps Armenia or the United States government.